The first thing I will be asking the city of cutler bay, is to create a page with my campaign promises under the seat 3 tab. I want my fellow neighbors to see what I’m doing to fulfil those promises, and what I was able to accomplish, as well as those promises I might fall short of achieving. This should be the litmus test of any government official.
I will NOT fund a campaign for reelection. If after four years of representing my community you do not know me personally or I have NOT improved the community in any way meaningful to you, I should NOT be representing you any longer. My re-election will depend on my accomplishments or failures, not on more promises.
The city accountability page as explained above will help you decide if I accomplished my goals or not.
Goverment On-Demand:
I have been involved in government since 2001, when I helped run a mayoral campaign. Since then technology has flourished, but the use of technology in government has stayed behind.
Most cities have Twitter, Facebook, and other social media accounts but they often fail to engage the public, because communication is unilateral, without any feedback.
One of the tools that have helped our community immensely is nextdoor. First think I will be doing is contacting nextdoor to see the possibilities to add an option to include the city limits, so that I can better communicate Town business.
Besides nextdoor, there will be a dedicated page for my seat on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
I want people to be able to reach their elected officials in as many ways as possible.
I will be creating a channel in Youtube for my seat so all Town meetings can be live-streamed and archived for later viewing. I will create a table of contents on the video so our neighbors can quickly find any agenda item they may be interested in.
Veterans Committee
Veterans Committee that will advise and make appropriate recommendations to the Town Council regarding issues of special interest to the veterans within the town. The Committee will consists of ten (10) veterans appointed by the Town Council (two per Council Member) and one (1) veteran at large by a majority vote. All veterans on the Committee must be a Town resident.
Website for the Constituents
In my first day as an elected official I will request the Town to overhaul the website, doing emphasis in mobile access.
A governmental website should be built around its services, not around self-aggrandizing pictures of what we are doing for the community. Constituents don’t need to be reminded if we are doing a good or bad job; they will be able to determine that for themselves.
What constituents need is a functionally easy access to the website that will put online services ahead of everything else. One should not have to surf the web to find how to register a burglar alarm. Doing so should be easy, on point, and fillable online.
The overhaul of the website will be tied to a partnership with a university technology program. I’m a firm believer that most innovations to how the website or e-government should work have to come from young minds with the latest tools in the industry.
I will work hard to enter into a partnership with a local university to provide us with the tools necessary to change our website and our e-government in exchange of internships and community hours for their students.
The current labor force is extremely competitive, and most employers require some kind of experience in the labor force as a prerequisite to hiring. The Town will be providing that experience to the young talent while we reinvent ourselves as a municipality at the forefront of technology -- and on a budget!
This is a win-win for everyone.
Your Input is Needed:
All of these improvements will be wasted without your participation.
With that in mind and in the spirit of bringing the government to you, some steps to facilitate your informed input will be necessary.
I will create a page where any issue I will be voting on will be posted, with points in favor and against and any presentations that the voting will use. I will also post my inclination and reasoning for voting either way.
This will be our private town-hall meeting where I encourage my neighbors to change my mind if they consider I’m acting against the best interests of the majority.
This page will only be accessed by people within the boundaries of the city to make sure I represent our best interest. A copy of a FL ID (With resident address) will suffice as proof or residence to obtain an access ID.
This, in combination of an e-mailing list, should help you get more involved in our community.
I will reach out to the "Isles of Bayshore" HOA and request for them to provide one day every month for me to have a sit-down with the constituents to listen to suggestions and concerns, so we can all improve our city.
Family-Friendly City:
With two daughters and a dog, having a community that is family friendly is a must for me and my family.
With that in mind, I will try to find ways of improving our parks, push for more family-oriented activities, and create an atmosphere where we are a close and family-friendly community.
I will commit to frequent ride-alongs with our police to find out how we as a city can help them make our community more secure, and will push for any changes necessary to make it a reality.
Our community has the potential of being the envy of not just South Florida, but of the country. But we need to do it together.
City-Wide Internet Access:
The repeal of Net Neutrality has created an opportunity and a need for municipalities to invest in their own internet service as local ISP.
As a small town we are uniquely positioned to help our community by creating our own ISP. This will not only benefit the community but also will incentivize business to relocate to our community.
I will request that a board of community activists to be formed to investigate the possibilities and feasibility of having our own local ISP.
Campaign Finance Reform:
Will work towards presenting an ordinance that will penalize special interests individuals and companies, by prohibiting campaign contributions by vendors, real estate developers, and lobbying by campaign consultants with relations with the town of cutler bay.
Grassroots Pledge Initiative
Will work with the city legal department to present the following initiative:
Candidates to any position within the city limits will voluntarily pledge to the following:
- Challenger candidates will self-limit their campaign funding to the amount equivalent of 2 ½ the cost of mail outs to registered voters in the city. (Every election cycle, the city will provide the average cost of the mail outs)
- Challenger candidates will self-limit their personal campaign loans to a maximum of $2,000.00
- Incumbent candidates will self-limit their campaign funding to the amount equivalent of 1 ½ the cost of mail outs to registered voters in the city. (Every election cycle, the city will provide the average cost of the mail outs)
- Incumbent candidates will self-limit their personal campaign loans to a maximum of $1,000.00
- The candidates will have to agree to all self-limiting contributions explained above.
- Candidates will also agree that 90 days prior to the election the city will not name any candidates in the social media accounts.
This pledge will be similar to the “Voluntary Declaration and First Amendment Waiver” from the Miami-Dade code. 2-11.1.1
Streamline the City Council Meetings:
Government should change their operations to benefit the community, one of the main complains of the community is the long meetings the council has.
To streamline the meetings, I will propose the following ideas:
- Move the proclamations to 11:00pm or after all agenda items have been resolved (Whichever is sooner)
- Move Staff reports after the proclamations.
- A timer for Council members to limit remarks to 3 minutes, and over all discussion of an item to 20 minutes, this will serve as a subtle, constant reminder to be concise.
- Change the allotted time per speakers as follows:
1-5 speakers: 3 minutes
6-10 Speakers: 2 minutes
10+ speakers: 1 minute
Digital comment limited to 1 minute.
Speakers will not be allowed to sign up after the council begins discussing the item
- Hard stop time 12:00pm
- Ask participants as they come into the chambers what item is more important to them and move the most popular item to the top of the agenda.
- Any unfinish business will be heard the 1st Monday of the following month. (That meeting will not have a hard stop time, and all unfinish items will be heard, as not to have unfinish items for the next regularly schedule city council meeting)
Implement any of the ideas above will help a more streamlined and productive public meeting.
Any funds not used by the campaign will be donated to Miami Power Team foundation.
The Miami Power Team Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that gives hope and extends a hand to children who are terminally ill, have cancer, autism, Down syndrome, physical and visual impairments since 1995.
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With Questions and Concerns